We welcome you to Venture Church Arizona, a contemporary, evangelical, non-denominational Christian community. Our mission is to Build God's Family and engage together in the great Venture that God has for us.

Sunday Services
9:00 am & 10:30 am Worship Services - Suite 13
9:00 am Adult Sunday School - Suite 9
9:00 am Children's Sunday School - Suite 4
10:30 am Children's Church - Suite 4
9:00 am Youth Church - Suite 13
10:30 am Youth Life Group - Suite 1
Venture Church Ministry Center
Sunday mornings start with adult, youth and children's Sunday School. This is a great time for learning and sharing God's word in a relaxed and casual atmosphere.
Friends & Fellowship - Before Each Service
Suite 13
We can't say it enough … we're a family. And families like to get together and chat over a cup of coffee and a sweet (we also have tea, juice, and some sugarless stuff) Come a few minutes early and join in before the worship services.
9:00 am & 10:30 am Worship Services
Suite 13
Our Sunday worship services are a time to hear a relevant message born out of scripture and cast in a way that helps you deal with real life issues. At Venture Church, you will find people dressed in t-shirts and shorts, jeans and a polo shirt, or even a suit and tie. Come as you are!
Small Groups
Wednesday Evenings @ 7PM
Men, Women, Youth & Kids
Why A Small Group For Me?
Life is hard. It’s just true. It can go along pretty well for months and even years, and then suddenly, unpredictably, and unexpectedly, it begins to unravel or just plain fall apart. Our Lord knows that, and so His design for us is to live out our faith and our lives in fellowship with one another … in close relationship with one another, caring for each other and building each other up. That’s a bit hard to do on Sunday morning. A small group is designed to give you a place to be in close friendship with a few other Christians. It’s a place where you can develop a Christian friend that you can call without hesitation at 2:00 in the morning.

Celebrate Recovery
Monday Evenings @ 6PM
Living in a broken world we all deal with life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. No one has the ability, nor should they attempt to face their hurts on their own. Celebrate Recovery is a beautiful community of strugglers that courageously enter this safe and beautiful space to get honest about our pain, and the negative ways we may see ourselves, God and others.