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Women's Venture

Group Leaders: Tracy Wood / Gretchen McLaughlin

At Women's Venture, you'll find a great place to recharge the power God gives us, refresh the wisdom of Jesus' word through Bible study, and enjoy the company of other Christian women. Join us this week!

The Women's Venture Ministry works to help women grow in their relationship with Jesus. You will find support, understanding, compassion and love from others who understand the challenges day-to-day life gives you.


Our goal as Christian women is...

  • To know Christ

  • To know who we are in Christ

  • To be the salt of the earth, the light of the world

  • To strengthen our families

  • To be God's hands in the world


Women's Venture Wednesday Night Group



What are Wednesday nights all about? Participating in Bible study, sharing stories of triumph and tragedy, sharing the love of Jesus, and sharing hugs and words of encouragement. In an atmosphere designed especially for women.


If you are a woman of God, or God is calling you to know him, please join us this Wednesday evening.

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